HER CODE Program Advances Steadily: Innovators Move to Develop Innovative Tech Projects to Assist People with Special Needs"

HER CODE Foundation is thrilled to announce a significant development in its pioneering "HER CODE" program. The Innovators have successfully completed the IT Fundamentals course and have now moved on to a new phase: the Technology and Innovation course.

This course aims to train the Innovators to develop innovative tech projects that contribute to improving the lives of people with special needs. These projects will be implemented in collaboration with "Madallah" Foundation under the supervision of Engineer Yasser and the trained facilitators.

The facilitators will provide support and guidance to the Innovators, empowering them with the confidence and knowledge necessary to achieve success in their projects.

HER CODE Foundation expresses its great excitement to share the progress of these creative teams and looks forward to witnessing the amazing ideas that the Innovators will accomplish during this course.

  • Successful completion of the IT Fundamentals course by the Innovators.
  • Transition of the Innovators to the Technology and Innovation course.
  • Focus of the course on developing tech projects to assist people with special needs.
  • Collaboration of the Innovators with "Madallah" Foundation under expert supervision.             
  • The HER CODE program is a pioneering initiative that seeks to empower girls by teaching them programming and innovation skills. HER CODE Foundation is confident that these Innovators will contribute to making a positive impact on their community through their innovative projects.

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