A partnership between Medlaha Foundation and Radio Lana to support entrepreneurship in Aden

We are pleased to announce a new collaboration between Medalah Foundation and Radio Lana, the first community radio station in southern Yemen.

With the aim of creating a unique media space for entrepreneurship and amplifying the voice of entrepreneurs in Aden.

The main objective of this cooperation is to highlight the owners of small businesses and entrepreneurs every week during a segment in the main morning program of Radio Lina, "Sabah Al-Ful". With the simultaneous presentation of the Medalah podcast.

We hope that this new platform will provide entrepreneurs with the opportunity to share their stories, opinions and experiences with a wider audience.

Special thanks to Mr. Moatasem Al-Nsour, General Manager of Radio Lana

And Mr. Ali Bin Amer, consultant and media coordinator of the Medlaha Foundation

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