Meet 3D printing

Date of the meeting: August 31, 2022
Meeting place: Uvenue Al Mualla
Coach: Mohamed Kamal

As part of a series of periodic meetings held every Wednesday in the technical sector, the meeting on the 3D printer was held, which was presented by Eng. Mohamed Kamal, in which he discussed the most important points related to the 3D printer, both in terms of how to use it, its costs, and the materials needed to start printing, as well as the positive aspects of this technology. In our daily lives, from the technical and human side, where the 3D printer has contributed to helping many war-affected people and people with disabilities by harnessing it to manufacture prosthetic limbs and contributing to restoring hope to them.

The meeting included a live practical aspect on the ground, where the trainer printed a brand logo so that the whole idea was communicated to the audience, and the matter won their approval and admiration.

The meeting was attended by 17 people from different specialties and levels, most of whom expressed their admiration for the details, the topic of the meeting in general, the way the trainer was presented, and the practical work in the hall.

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