Technical project management meeting

Meeting date: October 12, 2022
Name of the meeting: Technical project management meeting

Within the series of periodic meetings that are held every Wednesday and called Convert in the entrepreneurial and technical sectors, a meeting was held on how to manage technical projects.
The meeting was presented by Mr. Salem Abdullah Al-Najjar, Executive Producer at 24etar Film Production Company and Artistic Director of Halas on NETFLIX, and Mr. Ammar Bamatarf, Director of Vision Art for Arts Marketing Services and Director of TV programs and documentaries. The meeting targeted those interested in the field of production, whether film or television.

The two professors discussed the stages through which any artwork goes through, how it is managed, as well as how cinematic films and television programs work, and they clarified the correct concept of film production management, in addition to the steps before, during and after production.

The audience showed their great admiration for the content of the recitation, the professors, the way they presented the content, the place, and the hall.

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