Sandbox business incubator

Learn more about the Sandbox business incubator

Sandbox business incubator

A project that allows testing new ideas, whether entrepreneurial or technical, by providing an environment Experimental trials that are sustainable or cancelable, and with controlled risks.

A project that allows testing new ideas, whether entrepreneurial or technical, by providing an environment Experimental or non-sustainable and with controlled risks.

Sandbox Services

Basic services provided by the business incubator Sandbox

Spreading the culture of leadership and initiative in society to create and encourage applicable ideas

Counseling and guidance

What distinguishes Sandbox

Basic services provided by the business incubator Sandbox

office for one or more people

Shared or private workspace

Electricity, internet and reception services

Working hours from 8 am to 8 pm

The possibility of using the training

Use the address of the sitter

Benefit from counseling sessions

Discount for all Sandbox events and trainings

Consultants and experts

The best consultants and experts are present in the Sandbox business incubator

Salem Al-Najjar

Producer and art director

Mohammed Abdusallam

Entrepreneur and owner of Medad Printing Press

Adel Al-Khader


Abdel Nasser Radman

Intellectual property expert

Waddah Al-Nasri


Naser Arhab

Businessman and expert in import and export

Omer Badokhon

Social Entrepreneur