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In the sandbox business incubator

Medalah Foundation selects 25 trainees to enter the second group within the Sandbox Business Incubator Program.
19 August 2023

More than 60 competitors presented their different business models to the evaluation committee, hopi...

Medalah Foundation celebrates the graduation of the first batch of Sand Box Business Incubator trainees.
11 August 2023

Yesterday, Thursday, August 10th, Medalah  Foundation held the closing ceremony of the training of t...

*Medalah foundation continues training for 75 trainees.*
01 August 2023

      Medalah foundation continues to present the training program, which aims to choose  a number o...

*Medalah foundation ends its training program for the first group .*
31 July 2023

July 31st, 2023 Medalah foundation has completed its training program that lasted for three months w...

*Medalah foundation holds a business talk session with Al-Kuraimi Bank .*
23 July 2023

July 23rd, 2023Medalah Foundation held a meeting with Al-Kuraimi Bank in the presence of Mr. Ameen Q...

*The Sand Box Business Incubator program trainees present their financial projects presentations before the Evaluation Committee*
20 July 2023

July 20th, 2023Under the supervision of Medalah Foundation , the trainees at the SandBox business in...