open meeting

Date of the meeting: 3/29/2022
Coach: Walid Al Hamri

Within the apprenticeship program and the job skills project, an open meeting was held in which the topic of “apprenticeship” was discussed as it is a form of work-based education. The meeting was presented by trainer Walid Al-Hamri, with the participation of a group of local and international community organizations and institutions; Such as the FMF Foundation, the Renaissance Makers Organization, the Youth Horizons Foundation, the AMIDEAST organization, the Lebanese International University, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

 The meeting discussed many axes related to apprenticeship, its characteristics, and clarification of its presence in Yemeni law. Then the training life cycle was discussed, from preparing the program to preparing the place and implementation until the final evaluation of the training. The mechanisms used in the INTERNSHIP apprenticeship, which is the first application, then the selection mechanism, were discussed. Training and on-the-job training mechanism.

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