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In the sandbox business incubator

SANDBOX Incubator in Aden Witnesses Presentation of Innovative Prototypes by 54 Entrepreneurs

10 June 2024

The SANDBOX Business Incubator program in Aden witnessed a key milestone with the presentation of prototypes developed by 54 entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs underwent an intensive journey that included the following phases:

  • Idea Generation: Ideas were crystallized and their goals and target audience were defined.
  • Team Formation: Entrepreneurs worked together to form well-rounded teams with diverse skills.
  • Building: Prototypes were designed and built using appropriate technologies.
  • Market Research: Entrepreneurs tested their prototypes with the target audience to gather feedback.
  • Testing and Refinement: Prototypes were improved based on the feedback collected.
  • Experience Presentation: Entrepreneurs presented their experiences to a qualified evaluation committee.

Evaluation Committee:

The evaluation committee consisted of highly experienced experts in entrepreneurship and technology, including:

  • Oussan Saeed: Consultant and businessman.
  • Nasr Akkari: Consultant.
  • Moadh Ismail: General Manager of Medalah Foundation.

Valuable Feedback:

Entrepreneurs received valuable feedback from the evaluation committee on their prototypes, which will help them improve and develop them effectively.

Next Steps:

Entrepreneurs are now preparing to start marketing their products, services, and technology projects in the market, having been equipped with the tools and skills necessary for success

Thanks to:

  • Super Novae French Organization.
  • Medallah Foundation.
  • French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs


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