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In the sandbox business incubator

Success of the Film Production Management Course for the Photography Community!

04 June 2024

We are pleased to announce the conclusion of the Film Production Management Course held last week with the participation of 24 trainees from the "Photography Community".

Course Objectives:

The course, which was presented by the distinguished trainer @@salim_alnagar in collaboration with Mr.@ali_binamer, aimed to introduce participants to the various stages of film production management, with a focus on:

  • Requirements of each stage: The requirements of each stage of film production were explained in detail, including planning, preparation, implementation, follow-up and evaluation.
  • Outputs of each stage: The focus was on the expected outputs of each stage, to ensure the smooth running of the production process and achieve the best results.
  • Best practices: Best practices in film production management were shared, with a focus on the most important skills and expertise required to succeed in this field.
  • Discussion of experiences and different models: Time was allocated to discuss the participants' different experiences and to present successful models of film production projects, which contributed to enriching the discussion and exchanging experiences among the participants.

Course Outcomes:

The course was well-received by the participants, who expressed their complete satisfaction with the content provided and the training method.

Key achievements:

  • Comprehensive understanding of the stages of film production management: Participants gained a comprehensive understanding of the different stages of film production management and became able to apply them effectively in their own projects.
  • Enhanced practical skills: The participants' practical skills in film production management were developed,including planning, organizing, negotiating and problem-solving.
  • New professional network: The interaction between the participants contributed to building a new professional network, which allows them to exchange experiences and collaborate in the future.

A bright future:

We at "Medalah Community" believe in the importance of supporting youth talent in various fields, and we are proud of what the participants in the Film Production Management Course have achieved.

We are confident that this course will contribute to unleashing their creative energies and achieving outstanding achievements in the field of photography.


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