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In the sandbox business incubator

SANDBOX Business Incubator Concludes Idea Validation Phase and Emphasizes the Importance of Concept Validation

09 June 2024

Super Novae Organization, in collaboration with Medalah Foundation and with funding from the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, is pleased to announce the successful completion of the Idea Validation phase in the SANDBOX business incubator.

This phase saw the participating entrepreneurs take to the field to meet potential customers from various target segments,conduct surveys, and test their project concepts through discussions on social media networks.

Concept validation is an essential step to assess the project's attractiveness and market demand. It also helps entrepreneurs better understand customer needs and determine their willingness to acquire the project's various services and products.

During this phase, participating entrepreneurs emphasized the importance of real-world concept testing, as it contributed to refining their ideas and making the necessary adjustments to ensure their products and services align with market needs

SANDBOX business incubator emphasizes the importance of concept validation as one of the most crucial steps in the entrepreneurial journey and provides the necessary support to entrepreneurs to ensure the success of their projects and the realization of their aspirations


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