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In the sandbox business incubator

Business Compass Sails 54 Entrepreneurs Towards New Horizons in SANDBOX Business Incubator
09 June 2024

Super Novae Organization, in collaboration with Medalah Foundation and with funding from the French...

SANDBOX Business Incubator Hosts Workshop on Idea Generation and Validation for Entrepreneur
05 June 2024

SANDBOX Business Incubator organized an intensive workshop on "Idea Generation and Validation" for 5...

SANDBOX Business Incubator Celebrates Graduation of Cohort 2
05 June 2024

SANDBOX Business Incubator celebrated the successful graduation of Cohort 2 of entrepreneurs, in the...

SANDBOX": 103 Qualify for Initial Training in Business Model Canvas
05 June 2024

SANDBOX Business Incubator successfully concluded a three-day intensive training course on "Business...

SANDBOX Business Incubator Hosts Successful Marketing Workshop for SMEs
05 June 2024

SANDBOX Business Incubator organized a distinguished workshop on "Marketing for SMEs" with the parti...

Consulting and Guidance: The Compass for Startups to Achieve Distinction and Success
05 June 2024

Consulting and guidance are an indispensable compass for any startup seeking to reach its destinatio...