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In the sandbox business incubator

SANDBOX": 103 Qualify for Initial Training in Business Model Canvas

05 June 2024

SANDBOX Business Incubator successfully concluded a three-day intensive training course on "Business Model Canvas". The activity was attended by more than 103 qualified participants from startup owners and entrepreneurs, where they were trained on how to design and analyze their own business model using the "Business Model Canvas" (BMC) tool.

Roadmap to Understanding Business

The "Business Model Canvas" (BMC) is a valuable tool for understanding different aspects of a business, from the target audience to partners, through costs and profits.

Enhancing Business Model Understanding

The training focused on the nine essential elements of the business model, which are:

  • Customer Segments: Identifying the target audience for the product or service.
  • Value Propositions: Defining the benefits and value that the product or service offers to customers.
  • Channels: Determining how to deliver the product or service to customers.
  • Customer Relationships: Defining the type of relationship they want to build with customers.
  • Channels: Identifying the marketing and sales channels that will be used to reach customers.
  • Key Resources: Identifying the resources necessary for the business to operate.
  • Key Activities: Identifying the main activities that need to be carried out to ensure smooth operations.
  • Key Partnerships: Identifying the key partners who will help achieve the business's goals.
  • Cost Structure: Identifying all costs associated with the business.
  • Revenue Streams: Identifying how to generate revenue from the business.

A Step Towards Success

Understanding the business model is an essential step towards the success of any business project. Through this training,participants were able to gain valuable analytical skills and a better understanding of how their businesses work, which will help them make effective strategic decisions and achieve growth and prosperity.

SANDBOX Business Incubator: Supporting Entrepreneurs

SANDBOX Business Incubator is the result of a strong partnership between the French organization "Super Novae" and the umbrella organization "Medalah", with generous support from the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.SANDBOX aims to provide support and assistance to entrepreneurs by offering distinguished training programs and consulting services, to help them transform their ideas into successful business projects.


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